KIDS 6-12
Dreaming Now
Devised by Michel Lefebvre
& Guillaume Lévesque
A performer controls real-time projections within an immersive digital dreamscape.
In a world where we are subjected to constant digital overload, a boy dreams. In his subconscious world, the images are pixelated, fractalized. His sleeping state is an interface where reality and technology merge. If a person has digital dreams, is this a new kind of human? Without Words.
The production uses new media and interactive technologies to explore a world where we are all connected.
“The show carries with it a feeling of true theatrical achievement through technological feat.”
Interview with Michel Lefebvre (Director)
Production History
October 31 ― November 08, 2013
Presented by Youtheatre at the Segal Centre for the Performing Arts, Montreal
Featuring Jeremy Segal
January 28 ― February 01, 2015
Presented by Vertigo Theatre Society at Vertigo Theatre, Calgary
Featuring Jeremy Segal
February 24 ― 28, 2015
Presented by Mois Multi at the International Multidisciplinary and Electronic Arts Festival, Québec
Featuring Jeremy Segal
January 11 ― 15, 2016
Presented by Youtheatre at the Segal Centre for the Performing Arts, Montreal
Featuring Jeremy Segal
October 10 ― 20, 2017
Presented by Youtheatre at Centre culturel Calixa-Lavallée, Parc La Fontaine, Montreal
Featuring Jeremy Segal
October 23 ― 26, 2017
Presented by Youtheatre at Espace Théâtre, Mont-Laurier
Featuring Jeremy Segal

Michel Lefebvre

Jeremy Segal

Programmer & Sound
Guillaume Lévesque

Photos by
Robert Desroches

Lightning Design
Renaud Pettigrew
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